Bust of Giuliano dei Medici

End of the eighteen century, Florence Italy. Neoclassical interpretation of a Michelangelo’s sculture , located in San Lorenzo in Florence . White marble Carrara High : cm 50 Large : cm 29

Venus sitting on a rock

Early nineteen century, Florence Italy . White Carrara marble Artist close to Lorenzo Bartolini (1777-1850) Florence, who was sculptor and master of Fine Arts in Florence. He lived for a time in France then he came back to Italy. He was the most important exponent of Nazarene purism. In our important scupture ,the young lady …

Pair of young fauns , Bacchus and female

Early Eighteenth century . Rome – Italy Carved and sculpted walnut , adorned with gilded garlands of flowers and grape clusters . Lacquered base . High : 68 cm Wide : 20 cm Base :  20 x 19 cm

Pair of mermaids

Late seventeenth Century . Genoa – Italy . Sculpted , gilt and polychromed wood . Similar sculptures are editing in ” The Seventeenth Century French ” published by Hachette . High : 123 cm Wide : 27 cm

Taoist priest

Late XVIIIth , beginning XIXth , China . Polychrome lacquered and gilded wood. High : 62 cm Large : 34 cm


Early XXth century – France. Bronze sculture signed Chiparus . Liberty period . Demetre  (Demetrio) Haradam CHIPARUS, Romania 1886 – Parigi 1947 . Size : 48,5 x 39 cm Base : 15 x 32 cm

Gilt Angels

Pair of sculptures , Angels with the wings . Early eighteen century . Marche, Italy. Gilt wood . Sold. High : cm 67 Large :   cm 33 – Base cm 18 x 20

child with a dove

Early Nineteenth . Rome, Italy White marble. The theme of the sculpture originates from a roman subject resumed in the neoclassical period. High : 76 cm Base : 28 x 10 cm

Pair of small lions

Late XVIIth Century . Venice , Italy . Two white marble carved with plastic strengh despite the small size according to Venetian style . Small late walnut bases . High: 35 cm Wide : 18,5 cm

Young woman with amphora

Early XIXth century . Turin , Italy . Burnished bronze with nice patina representing an arab girl coming back from the well . Refined execution of the bronze. High : 86 cm Wide : 30 cm