Marble bust of Diana

XVIIth Century, Tuscany , Italy. White marble of Carrara sculpted. Diana wears a tiara that holds her hair, and she is dressed with a drapery that covers a part of her bust according to a classical iconography. High: 82 cm Wide : 58 cm

Romantic pastoral scene.

Early nineteenth ,Sicily. Italy. Two young shepperds in love look after his sheep, the golden light illuminates the romantic landscape, with the sea in the background and a wonderfull blu sky. This large oil on canvas painted with classical romanticism, is an example of Arcadia .The artist used bright colours to represent a classical vision …

A pair of small Baccanal scenes.

Early XIXth. England. A pair of small paintings that represent a baccanal ,the children are playing and singing in a light landscape with statues . In the first scene, a child on a goat is surrounding by his friends that make music and dance. In the second scene they continue the party drinking and playing, …

A pair of small Seventeenth battles.

Late Seventeenth, early Eighteenth, Naples, Italy. Two small oil paintings on canvas representing a pair of battles. Classic and elegant scenes of a fight where antique knights on horses clash in bright landscapes . Very good state of conservation. Original restored frames,

Important baroque console

Middle Eighteen century . Rome, Italy . Carved , sculpted and gilt wood. Elaborate rounded top in diaspro of Sicily with edges decorated with a ribbing in the the same marble . Good condition. High : 97 cm large : 160 cm D: 65 cm

Eighteenth century sofa.

Middle XVIIIth . Rome , Italy. Elegant three seat sofa, inlaid and gilded wood with rocaille shells and leaves, that were usual in important eighteenth century palaces. Nice yellow chinoiseries on a turquoise background, Pierre Frey’s fabric. Good conservation. Dimensions : cm

Flowers in a crystal vase.

France,late seventeenth,early eighteenth century . Small oil on canvas painting, with orange flowers , roses ,carnations, white and yellow tuberoses, that stand out on the dark blackground. The green stems appears in the crystall vase that reflects the light. Nice originale gilded wood frame. Very good conditions. Size : 31x 24 cm. With the frame …

Large mirror with dolphins.

Late XVIIIth,early Nineteenth. Luca, Italy. Directoire period. Elegant carved and gilded wooden mirror. The original oval mirror stands on a base with a decoration of two paired dolphins ,flowers and leaves, that is representing a fine example of italian Directoire period in Luca, when Italy was influenced fy France but with his original italian style. …

Pair of neoclassic overdoors,rural scenes .

Late XVIIIth ,Italy, Marche. The two elegant oil on canvas green grisailles representing young peasants with his sheeps and dogs have important neoclassic ivory lacquered frames, decorated with garlands and flowers a mecca. These antique paintings are unusual and elegant for his sizes and the contrast of colours, the green grisailles and the ivory of …

Terrestial and celestial globes.

Early nineteenth Century , England One has a label : ” The College Globe Terrestial. Geografical Discoveries”. Published by Collins , Paternoster Row , London. Malys’ label on the celestial globe. By Malby &son . 39, Parker St Little Queen . Dated 1800 Good conservation Original mohagany bases. High : 83 cm – Wide : …