XXth century – Author : Ivan Theimer . Olomouc (Moravia) 1944- France.
Theimer was born in Olomouk, he said : I born at the frontier of the Roman Empire, of Italy and Moravia. For that he used in his huge scultures elements such as obelisks, stele and colunms . In Italy he received the influence of classical world choising these symbols.
In Moravia he first studied in Academy of Fine Arts, and when he went to France ,in the Academy of Paris. His works are appreciated in all Europe where he exhibited his great scultures, In Italy, in France ,In Germany ,in Czech Republic and to the Belvedere of the Prague castle. He worked for important public commissions , also for Mitterand in France .
H. 22 cm – Base 9 x 9 cm
Small silver sculture of Ivan Theimer